New Homeopathy according to Körbler
New Homoepathy according to Körbler
The reversal principle of Körbler can be applied to multifarious physical and psychological problems (illnesses, allergies, blockades in job, finance, conflicts of all kind, traumatisms ect) and is also effective in the fields of environemental pollution or problems with animals.
With New Homoepathy all kinds of wrong programming can be resolved.
New Homoepathy is an energetic healingmethod based on the scientific research of Erich Körbler, whos was an electroengineer from Vienna. He was pioneer of modern information and energy medicine.
The Körbler signs are drawn onto special acupuncture points, to even out diagnosed disbalancing. The reversal principle of Körbler can also be used on mental and emotional levels. With the help of the sinus wave traumatisms and mental blockades can be reversed. This methods follows the rules of biophysics.
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